“Walk with Amal”: January 2021

Wasl becomes a Humanitarian Friend of “Walk with Amal”

Now in Arabic: November 2020

Wasl Website in Arabic

Berlin Workshop: 22. - 23. June 2019

Strategy planning, outreach and more knowledge share – A Berlin Workshop for Syrian CSOs Networks in Europe

Stockholm Workshop: 06. - 07. April 2019

Why are internal structure development and improving fund opportunities important?


From Volunteers to Professionals - A Guide by European-Syrian Networks

The guide is a result of several peer-to-peer meetings, where internal and external challenges of establishing a European-Syrian umbrella organisation were discussed.

Topics like organisational structures, aspects of fundraising and project management as well as the impact of sudden political changes. The networks talk about their experiences and present different working solutions.

Furthermore, the guide introduces the six Syrian networks and shows their resources and the importance of mobilizing the European-Syrian diaspora.   

Download the guide here