
Country: United Kingdom

Syrian Charities and Associations Network

Founded in 2015, the Syrian Charities and Associations Network in the United Kingdom - also known as SCAN UK - has tried to ensure the smooth resettlement of Syrians recently arrived in the UK and to assist those who are already in the country, to integrate into British society.

SCAN is an independent network of 10 Syrian charities, associations, societies and organised regional groups, established to help meet the needs of the Syrian community in the UK. SCAN UK is the only umbrella recognised by the UK’s Home Office.

Platform: Sharing relevant information and generating ideas and projects.

Guidance and training: Offering help, guidance and training to network members.

Liaising and communications: Working as a mutual communications link between SCAN UK members and the UK government.

Networking and coordination: Coordinating member activities and efforts to build sustainable projects in the UK, and promoting professional networking amongst the Syrian British community.

Capacity Building: Offering website and media support as well as assistance in proposal writing.


  • Executive committee: Two representatives from each member organisation.
  • Council: Five to six board members elected by the executive committee once every two years. These are: chairman, general secretary, treasurer, two to three board members.
  • Advisory committee

Web: www.scanuk.org

Social Media: Facebook

Contact: info@scanuk.org and Katie-Lee / coordinator@scanuk.org.uk

A SCAN UK member advocates for human rights and justice

Great Britain’s SCAN UK has ten members with projects that range from immediate relief to others with medical, health, community empowerment and nutrition aims, as well as various integration projects inside the United Kingdom.

A very unique member of the SCAN UK network is the Syrian Legal Development Programme (SLDP), which provides legal advice, education and training to other Syrian organisations and actors about complex aspects of the conflict with regard to international law on human rights and humanitarian work as well as international criminal law.

SLDP has trained the Syrian Civil Defence members, the so-called White Helmets, on international humanitarian law. Together with other NGOs, Free Press Unlimited and Mithaq, SLDP trained Syrian journalists on international law in relation to the Syrian conflict. And during the Geneva talks, SLDP accompanied NGOs into the United Nations, providing advice there.

"Currently no one else does what we do," said Mouhanad Sharabati, a lawyer at SLDP, “because it’s very specific.”

Additionally, Qeyam (Arabic for values or virtues) is a media series created by SLDP which aims to reinforce some of the main principles of international humanitarian law. All the scripts have been designed to incorporate Syria-specific features of conflict. The scripts are written so that even a lay person can understand the context.

Other SCAN UK organisations
  • Help4Syria
  • Syrian Network in Glasgow
  • Mosaic Initiative
  • Human Care Syria
  • Palmyra Relief
  • Scotland4Syria
  • SAMH – Syrian Association for Mental Health
  • SyriaUK
  • From Syria with Love
  • Syrian Association of Yorkshire
  • SBMS – Syrian British Medical Society
  • HIHFAD - Hand in Hand for Aid and Development
  • Syrian Society of Nottinghamshire
  • Syria Peace & Justice
  • Syrian Community South West UK
  • Syria Society in The Midlands
  • Syrian Society of South East
  • The Syrian Arab Association in the UK